Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Ingredients: 1 kg. mince (70/30 pork/veal)
1 tsp. cumin (flat)
1/3 tsp. baking soda
1 - 2 tsp. salt
Black pepper

Preparation and serving:
Knead the mince together with the baking soda and the spices. During the kneading add a lot of water, then leave it to mature fore one night. The next day knead it again and add more water. In total the mince wil absorbe about 500 - 700 ml water/kg. Shape the kebabcheta in a shape of cylinders 12 - 15 cm. long, 2 - 3 cm. diameter, then roast on a hot barbeque.

Tripe soup

1/2 kg. veal tripe
200 ml. milk
50 gr. butter
1 tbsp. red pepper
2 tsp. salt
3 cloves garlic
100 ml vinegar

Preparation and serving:
Put the tripe in a pressure-cooker, bring it to the boil and boil it for 90 min. Then take it out, cut it in small pieces and put it back in the stock. Sautee the butter and the red pepper. Pour it together with the milk in the stock, stirring repeatedly. Press the garlic and mix with the vinegar, better few hors before serving, to give it time to flavour.
Serve offering the vinegar-garlic sauce and crushed chillies.

In some areas of Bulgaria yoghurt is used instead of milk, adding as well 1 tbsp. flour and 1 egg. Pork, or lamb tripe could be used instead of veal.

''Snow White'' salad

2 L yoghurt
550 gr. pickled gherkins
80 gr. walnut's kernels
3 cloves garlic
4 tbsp. olive oil
3 tbsp. dill (fine chopped)
1 tsp. salt

Preparation and serving:
Put the yoghurt in cheese-cloth to drain for about 10 hours. Then add thediced gherkins, pressed garlic, salt, olive oil, dill and the crished walnuts. Mix everything well.
Serve chilled, arranged with olives, parsley and whole walnut's kernels.

Musaka (Мусака)

500 gr. mince
2 kg. potatoes
2 onions
5 cloves garlic
1 carrot
3 tomatoes
Red pepper
Black pepper
70 ml olive oil

For the crust:
1 egg
250 ml yoghurt
2 tbsp. flour
1/2 bunch parsley

Preparation and serving:
Chop fine the carrot and the onion, then stew them in the oil in a deep pan. Add the mince, fine chopped garlic and the grated tomatoes, then stew all together for about 7 min. Peel the potatoes and dice with a size of 1 cm. Put the potatoes and the stewed mixture in a baking tin, add the spices and the fine chopped parsley. Pour on water until it slightly covers the potatoes. Bake in an oven at 250º for about 30 min.
To prepare the crust mix and stir together the eggs, yoghurt, flour and a bit of water. Pour it over the potatoes and bake until the crust turns to gold-brown.
Serve hot.

Cold soup with cucumbers and yogurt

100 gr yogurt
1 fourth cucumber around 60 grams
5 grams (half tea spoon) oil
5-6 cloves of garlic,
two tablespoons chopped walnuts

Method of preparation:
Smash the garlic and add oil.
Add chopped walnuts.
To the mixture add tiny chopped cucumber.
The resulting mix is put in the the stirred yogurt.
Place water. Try its taste to salt and acid.
Tarator served with seasoned oil,
dill and vinegar.
You can consume it as a garnish or appetizer.
I hope you like it!

Shop salad

All you need is
1/2 onion
3 tomatoes
1 cucumber
1 fresh pepper
some white cheese
Chop everything in a big bowl,add the oil and the salt (matters on your taste) then mix it.
Put the salad in a plate and shred the cheese on top.
Its very tasty and easy!

Sarmi with cabbage leaves.

500g minced meat (mixture)
2 k.ch. fat
1 medium cabbage sour
2 k.ch. cleaned and washed rice
1 head chopped onion
1 teaspoon paprika
1 / 2  table spoon pepper ;
black pepper(matters on your taste how much)
1 tablespoon incomplete tomato paste

Preparation: The leaves of cabbage are separated from one another as stalk is cut deeper and wider.
Onion stews in the oil until it becomes soft. Add the rice and stir several times. Add paprika and diluted tomato paste.
All mixes and pours in water (1 part rice, 1.5 to 2 parts water) and let it boil. When it boils some time, remove from heat and add the meat,black pepper
and the salt.Put the mixture in to the leaves. The leaves of cabbage should not be longer than 6-8 cm.Leaves are arranged in a shallow pan and pressed with a plate,
carefully pour with hot water and let it boil.
Consume with pleasure!

Rolled Banitca with cheese

Products for the dough:

600 grams white flour

250 ml lukewarm water

1 egg

1 teaspoon salt

1,5 tablespoon vinegar
3 tablespoon oil

Products for filling:

400 grams cheese

1/2 cup yogurt

125g. butter
some flower for rolling the barks


Sit the flour in a large bowl.
Make a dig in the middle and put the products and
some of the water in it.
Use a spoon if you don't want to mess your hands and
start to put the products together as collecting the flower with the
liquid portion from the center to outwards.
When the dough becomes bigger,use hands and continue adding the rest
of the water.
Interfere dough about 10 -12 minutes, until it becomes smooth and soft.
Divide dough into 6 - balls
Smear the balls with oil and leave it to rest for a hour,covered with a towel.

Meanwhile prepare the filling:

Smash cheese in a bowl.
Mix the eggs with milk and stir.
Cut the butter into a small cubes.
Putting all together:

Begin to bark the balls one by one.
Sprinkle with flour while grinding to prevent the crust from sticking.
Each crust sprinkle with cheese.
Spread well with milk-egg mixture.

Finally sprinkle with the chopped butter and roll with the help of cloth.
Roll it like a snail on the oiled pan and continue rolling untill the whole pan fills.

Bake in moderate oven / 190 * C / to standby or turns rosy from the top and bottom.
Remove, spray a little water and cover with a towel for 10 minutes.
And its ready to eat!