Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Musaka (Мусака)

500 gr. mince
2 kg. potatoes
2 onions
5 cloves garlic
1 carrot
3 tomatoes
Red pepper
Black pepper
70 ml olive oil

For the crust:
1 egg
250 ml yoghurt
2 tbsp. flour
1/2 bunch parsley

Preparation and serving:
Chop fine the carrot and the onion, then stew them in the oil in a deep pan. Add the mince, fine chopped garlic and the grated tomatoes, then stew all together for about 7 min. Peel the potatoes and dice with a size of 1 cm. Put the potatoes and the stewed mixture in a baking tin, add the spices and the fine chopped parsley. Pour on water until it slightly covers the potatoes. Bake in an oven at 250º for about 30 min.
To prepare the crust mix and stir together the eggs, yoghurt, flour and a bit of water. Pour it over the potatoes and bake until the crust turns to gold-brown.
Serve hot.

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